Monday, January 12, 2009

Collon Cheesecake


I bought these at an oriental/Japanese grocer in the city for $3.99. As the box states that there are 6 servings inside, i thought it was a good buy.

When i opened up the packet though, i realised the packets were really small, so there was alot of air in the box, as opposed to collon.


My disbelief was even greater when i opened up one of the packets to find only 6 collon pieces! That means the total pieces of collon in one box is 36. Considering the box is quite big, probably 2 hand-spans long, that is such a great waste of packaging! Plus, i thought i was getting more than what i actually got, which is probably Glico's intention.


The collon themselves taste very much like the regular cream collon but with the slightest hint of lemon. If you weren't looking for it, these could pass for regular collon. A look on the back of the packet reveals that lemon juice powder is the 4th ingredient from the end, in a long list of ingredients. So that's why the flavour is not really noticeable i guess. After you eat all 6 pieces you only just start to build up the flavour a little.

I guess these would be good as lunch box treats or a little snack now and then, but holy moly, only 6 pieces in all that packaging? That is more deceptive than weight concious!!

My husband Yasu thinks these taste like "Japanese rare cheesecake". He said it was "lemony" so obviously it suits Japanese tastes, or expectations of what cheesecake tastes like. For westerners who are used to cheesecake being very rich and full flavouring, then this is definitely a let-down.


Anonymous said...

[...] Collon Cheesecake « Sweet Pursuit [...]

Anonymous said...

I have never bought Collon, even though I've been here so long. The fact that there is so much I've never tried encourages my belief that I will never run out of snacks to review (the KitKats alone keep me busy).

I think Japanese "rare" cheesecake is good only in rare cases because they don't use enough cream cheese. Western folks like cheesecake to taste like the cheese, but in Japan, it seems about texture unless you buy from Topps (which makes the best cheesecake in Japan).

After your review, I'm going to give these a miss for sure (though I love cheesecake)!

Anonymous said...

I've typically been disappointed with Japanese cheesecake snacks, too. I live in America, but I'm not a huge fan of cheesecake because it's so rich I can only eat a little before getting sick of it. Still, Japanese cheesecake snacks definitely lack something.

Collon is a really heavy snack, for how light the things are! I have to pace myself when I have the regular boxes and try to split them with my husband and eat them over a couple days. Still, 6 pieces to a mini-bag is a ridiculously small portion!

Anonymous said...

Hi Orchid and Deb, thanks for your comments! :)

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