Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Jasmine Tea Kit Kat

I'll admit, I'm not a fan of Jasmine Tea. I did love the Houjicha Kit Kat, but somehow I didn't expect to like this one.

This Kit Kat is milk chocolate, like the Houjicha, but it has a very strong smell of Jasmine, almost as if it were a hand cream or moisturiser. I really didn't expect that.

The milk chocolate is creamy and has a mild taste of Jasmine, which builds up, but it is not overly sweet. I think it's more the fragrance building up at the back of my throat which gives me the idea of 'sweetness'.

I must admit, before I reviewed this, I ate it when it was cold from the fridge, and I hated it.

But now, I'm trying it at room temperature and the flavour is so much different! Before it tasted like a bad perfume mixed with chocolate but now it tastes like a master chef has mixed Jasmine flowers and chocolate into a wonderfully creamy potion. It's like a garden party in my mouth. I can smell the vibrant spring day, lively chatter, and endless cups of tea being poured under the Jasmine trees.

I keep going back for more, I can't resist! This has to be one of my favourite flavours yet! Sorry I doubted you Nestle...


ebidebby said...

People either seem to love or hate this one. I haven't tried it, and I don't know that I would seek it out, but there do seem to be more positive than negative opinions on it.

Kelly said...

Yeah I had a look around the net and consensus was that I was in the majority, though I'm more a fan of the Kit Kat than the tea.

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