I'm not a fan of spicy foods. I don't really consider Wasabi in that category though because it's a flavour that flares up for a few seconds and then goes away, not like when you eat a hot curry that makes your eyes water, your lips tingle and your throat scorch.
I got these from napaJapan, and it's not something I would have tried without prompting, but thankyou NJ for allowing me to try lots of great new flavours :)
Doritos, I love. Wasabi flavour Doritos, scary.
These are said to be thicker than the original Doritos, and when I measured I found it is true. They are pretty much double the thickness.
There is really no great wasabi smell when I open the bag. They smell pretty much like toasted corn chips. Oh okay, this is going to be no big deal I think.
Wrong! I put one on my tongue, wrong move. I get an immediate wasabi hit, and I mean hit! That wasabi is so strong! Luckily for my poor tongue, removal of the corn chip means wasabi flavour dies away, but oh my god, that is hot. The corn chip itself is nice and crunchy, but it's just the wasabi flavour that is way too much for me.
In saying that, my tongue is a coward, but I can say that the flavour is very true to real wasabi, as if I'd spread wasabi paste on a corn chip and eaten it. I get that familiar puff of smoke out my ears.
I couldn't eat more than one of these, and even the first one was in little bites. Yasu though, thoroughly enjoyed these and ate the whole bag in one sitting. Not sure though if that's his "man's taste" or just because he's Japanese...
I would buy these again for Yasu as he loved them. I couldn't stand to eat them again but only because my tongue and strong wasabi flavour don't mix. I think these would be great for a picnic or bbq, and a great snack with beer.
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