Thursday, June 3, 2010

Morinaga Hi-Chew Ichigo Daifuku 森永ハイチュウ いちご大福


When this pack of Hi-chew first came out, it really made me excited. I saw the image of the daifuku (a Japanese sweet made from rice with a red bean filling), and it looked so yummy.

I later asked Jason @ napaJapan (who I have known for a very long time) to send me one to try and he complied (thanks Jason!). The pack has been sitting with some other candy - developing a bit of a backlog here - waiting to be reviewed.

So today I finally got around to opening the pack and guess what? It's nothing like the image on the front. Now I know why they put "写真は味のイメージです" (The photo is an image of the flavour), because it is only meant to taste like the real thing, not look like it! Doh! :(

I had expected it to have the red bean filling and a strawberry type filling, but really Ladies & Gentlemen, it's just a hi-chew. It is white on the outside and a soft pink colour in the middle.

There is a very sweet smell of strawberry from the outside. When I pop it into my mouth there is a light strawberry flavour that is quite floral. The hi-chew is soft and chewy and the middle has a flavour reminscent of strawberry flavoured hubba bubba. The strawberry flavour reaches a peak at the end of the chew, but is not really tart. It's very refined in taste, has chemical notes here and there, but in all, quite nice. For what it is, it's a nice candy. A little bit bland, but hey, if you like Strawberry and you like it kind of plain, then this is for you.

Brand: Morinaga
Calories per box: 225
Buy it now at napaJapan

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Nestle Mixed Juice Kit Kat ミックスジュース キットカット


The colour of this Kit Kat is a bit surprising. It's the same colour as the cheese on a McDonald's cheeseburger. I kid you not.

It's a bright yellow orange, that I guess is representative of juice, but it still reminds me of cheeseburger. The bar encompasses the flavours of Peach, Banana, and Strawberry. I've never actually tried that combination together in a juice but I'm sure it would go together well.

The bar smells very much like banana from the outside. Biting into it however, is another story. It's kind of weird but I get a taste like tomato ketchup. There is also a very strong chemical taste which ends up being banana. There are some very fake peach notes. The peach in this kit kat is very similar in flavour to the Peach in the Tirol Mix Pack. I don't like it as much in the kit kat as I did in the Tirol. There are only very vague hint of the strawberry, a little bit of tartness here and there, but mostly overtaken by very sweet peach and chemical tasting banana.

I'm usually a fan of the fruitier kit kats, but I can't say that about this one. It's just too sweet and the fruit components really taste fake.

Brand: Nestle
Calories per mini bar: 69
Buy it now at napaJapan

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Kabaya Guimauve Strawberry ギモーヴ ストロベリー


Guimauve is the French word for Marshmallow. Marshmallow comes from the plant of the same name and is used in candy and in hot drinks, eaten by itself plain or toasted. As the marshmallow powder is quite difficult to obtain, most manufacturers use gelatin to get marshmallow to that sticky, chewy consistency that we love.

Kabaya have come up with their own take on Guimauve by creating it using Gummi. It is shaped into squares, the French way, and it doesn't have the powdery outside like most marshmallows that come in big bags, instead it has a smooth matte finish.

It smells sweet and floraly, but even without eating it there is a tartness that wafts up my nose. Biting into it is not the same as biting into a marshmallow, it has a little bit more resistance. When it is squeezed, it flumps down in half, unlike a marshmallow that bounces back. The inside after being bitten, resembles something like a marshmallow mixed with a sponge.

The difference with this Guimauve is that the strawberry flavour takes a back seat to the tartness, and it tastes more like a strawberry sherbet than I expected. The flavour is even more pronounced when you suck it instead of chew it.

I'm not a fan of sour candy, I don't hate this, but I don't exactly love it either. It's a little bit hard for me to get my head around this candy. I keep coming back for more but only because it's weird. Who ever heard of a marshmallow made out of gummi? Somehow the texture works. It's just the flavour that is not my thing.

This is not blow-your-head-off super sour, but it has enough there to make you think it's sherbet. I would only buy it if sour candy is your thing.

Brand: Kabaya
Calories per pack: 116
Buy it now at napaJapan

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Doritos Pizza-La Ham & Cheese Croque Monsieur Pizza ハムとチーズのクロックムッシュピザの味


When I received this bag of Doritos from Jason at napaJapan, I had no idea that Pizza-La was a pizza store in Japan. I asked Yasu and he said he didn't know either. So I looked up the website address on the internet, and sure enough it is. They claim to be the best selling pizza in Japan. Their slogan is "All the taste and toppings you want on a pizza, straight from our oven to your door!"

I've only ever had pizza specially made at restaurants in Japan - namely Pinocchio's in Hokkaido (divine), so I'm not sure how good of a pizza they make. I would love to hear if you have had their pizza and what it was like!

The flavour of the pizza flavoured Doritos is Ham & Cheese Croque Monsieur, which they actually do make and sell in real life. See image below for an image I took of their website. (It's the one on the top left corner).

Opening the bag, I noticed the ratio of air to chips was a little bit higher. A bit disappointed with the amount of content.

The aroma was very nice, probably close to what a pizza place smells like. The chips themselves are corn chips but with tomato flakes, cheese powder, bacon powder, salt, sugar and vegetable oil on them. I could taste the bacon flavour straight away. I was actually expecting it to taste like ham, because it says ham and cheese on the title, but I was surprised to taste the bacon and then see that bacon powder was used. Obviously they think that ham and bacon is interchangeable.

The bacon is very strong at first, but at the end of chewing is when I could taste the cheese. There were hints of tomato and salt after the bacon had died down and then a very strong cheese flavour. I'm not sure exactly what cheese as it doesn't mention the name, but I would say it wasn't mozzarella!

The chips themselves are very crunchy and fresh. Yasu and I ate this together and we happily munched away. We both really liked the flavour and the crispness of the chips but were disappointed at the amount in the packet. Also there are 383 calories in this one 70 gram bag so it's quite high and isn't really worth it in my opinion. Not much bang for your calorie buck here.

I probably wouldn't buy these again. The flavour is great but there is just not enough and the calories are too high anyway.

Brand: Fritolay
Calories per pack: 383
Buy it now at napaJapan

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Calbee Kappa Ebisen Kishu Plum かっぱえびせん 紀州の梅


On a rainy day during last week I pulled out this bag of Kappa Ebisen Kishu Plum! I'm not a big fan of plum and my husband hates it all together, so I didn't know if we would like this one at all. Kishu is a place in Wakayama Prefecture in Japan and is famous for its plums, which are also made into Kishu Plum Wine.

The bag had a very tangy aroma when I opened it, and each long senbei stick had sprinkles of red all over. On the back of the bag it stated that it was red shiso. I'm not a shiso fan, in fact I try to stay away from it.

This snack however, was really yummy. The red shiso seems to have a different flavour entirely from the normal green shiso, and there was notes of tangy plum present when I crunched down into the senbei. The prawn flavour was still evident underneath and combined, all three flavours made a melody in my mouth.

After the first handful of these we were both pretty much addicted and ate the whole bag in no time! I think these would be great as a beer snack too.

The design on the bag was really pretty - a shame to throw it out really. Unfortunately I did throw the bag out and also forgot to write down the nutritional information so for my readers that usually want to know those details - I will resume in my next post.

Get yourself some of these! :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Kishiri Crystal Throat Candy Red & Green Plum with Mint キシリクリスタル 赤梅&青梅ミント


I woke up this morning and found that Winter had finally found Perth. It's been MIA for the last half a month or so, we've had such lovely, hot, summery days.

But now, here comes the rain, and so with it, a sore throat for my dear hubby. I remembered this morning that I had a pack of these in my latest installment from napaJapan, so it's perfect timing really.

I'm not familiar with the company who make these. The Name of it is Kishiri Crystal, and the brand is Teicalo. The word "kishiri" usually means "to squeak", but I think in this case it is from the Japanese word for xylitol - (kishiritoru), because it is where the candy gets its sweetness from instead of sugar. Looking on their website, they seem to only make throat candy.

I'm not a very big fan of Ume (plum), so I was hesitant in trying these, thinking they were maybe going to be really sour or yuck. But, actually I was surprised.

Not really as pretty as the picture is it?

There are 3 layers to this candy. The top layer is red plum, the middle is a smooth white minty paste, and the bottom layer is green plum.

The top layer, the red plum is the most sour of the two, and it really reminds me of cough medicine in that it has a certain cherry flavour about it while still tasting like plum.

The green plum is much sweeter and has hints of green apple.

The mint in the middle really ties this candy together, and it really is refreshing. The one thing I couldn't get out of my head while eating this though is that it reminds me of toothpaste. You know how they make that toothpaste (I think it's Maclean's) with the white stripe of mint down the middle? Well this looks just like that, except it's a throat candy.

I am not sure how beneficial this would be for your throat. Besides herb and peppermint extracts, it doesn't really have any medicinal values. It's not like the Western kind of throat candy that numbs the throat or stops your nose running.

But in all, it's nice for what it is. I probably wouldn't buy it to use when I have a cold, but I find it to be good as a breath freshener, I like it more than chewing gum.

Brand: Teicalo
Calories per pack: 70

Friday, May 7, 2010

Tirol Mix Pack チロル 桃栗三年柿八年


This Tirol mixed pack is named after a proverb. 桃栗三年柿八年 means "it often takes time to bear the fruit of one's actions" or literally "peach and chestnut seeds take three years to bear fruit, plums take eight". This is one of those kinds of phrases like "good things happen to those who wait". When I asked Yasu the meaning he said it was just referring to the peach and chestnut seeds taking 3 years to bear fruit and plums taking 8 and said that the proverb wasn't really very well known and he wouldn't have thought of it if I hadn't of mentioned it.

This has given Tirol an idea for a mixed pack, I suppose. Because the three flavours included in this pack are Peach, Chestnut and Persimmon.

Back middle: Persimmon, Front left: Chestnut, Front right: Peach


Sweet like Peach Fanta, the jelly inside is soft and melts in the mouth easily. The chocolate is quite sweet but it definitely has a lot of peach flavour. I love it.


This has a coffee like flavour at first and then blends seamlessly into a nutty chestnut flavour. The inside is a soft and creamy texture, full bodied flavour and very cool in the mouth. Very sweet at the end though, even more so than the peach, though still enjoyable.


An unsual flavour. The chocolate is a little bit darker than normal. Biting into it there is a big hit of salt and then I notice it has an arare (senbei) inside which provides a big crunch and lots of salt. The chocolate has a sweetness to it that tastes like persimmon and blends well with the saltiness to create a kind of sweet and salty effect. Very original.

I liked all three of these. I think my favourite would have to be the persimmon because it has that crunchy texture and very unusual taste. I like the peach and chestnut about the same.

Ebidebby also reviewed this and you can find hers here.

Brand: Tirol
Calories per bag: 314

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bourbon Milk Coffee Roll Cake ふわまき ミルクコーヒーケーキ


I have another Fuwamaki cake to try! Last time I reviewed the milk roll cake by the same company and Yasu and I both really loved it.

This one is the same deal, except it's milk coffee flavour. The outside is predominately light brown with white spots and it has two types of cream inside - coffee cream and milk cream.

The sponge cake is beautiful and soft like a cloud pillow, the same as last time. The brown coloured sponge tastes like chocolate and the white dots taste like milk. The coffee flavour comes from the coffee cream inside the roll cake.

This is so beautifully fresh - how do they do it? It could have been baked fresh this morning, that is how soft it is. The cream is so fluffy and light and full of flavour.

What can I say but that this is divine? Seriously. Go buy one! or two... or maybe three!

Brand: Bourbon
Calories per pack: 180

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tirol Hokkaido Cheese Premium チロル 北海道チーズ


Jason @ napaJapan kept teasing me with the line "I've got some Hokkaido cheese chocolate coming in soon". Music to my ears... and SO tempting.

If you love Hokkaido as much as I do then I know you will be thrilled about trying this Tirol Hokkaido Cheese premium chocolate.

This Tirol chocolate is larger than the regular size. Yasu couldn't get over it, because Tirol is his favourite childhood chocolate and they didn't have premium size back then. Plus, he's a Hokkaido-jin so the Hokkaido cheese factor makes it even better for him.

The cheese Tirol to the left is bigger than the regular size.

Hokkaido Cheese is the best! I've seen a few reviews online and people have trashed it - I totally disagree with their taste. This Tirol is the essence of Hokkaido, creamy, dairy, cheesy, fromage-y. :)

It has a lovely yellow coloured outer chocolate that tastes creamy and chocolatey. The inside is a strong cheese taste in a biscuit - but the biscuit is soft and melts in the mouth. Yummm. Lucky I got given 10 of these beauties because one is just not enough!

If you're a wimp when it comes to cheese - don't try it. If you like your cheese rich and creamy with a big of strength then this is for you.

Brand: Tirol
Calories per piece: 51
Buy it now at napaJapan

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Framboise Kit Kat フランボワーズ味 キットカット


I was delighted when I received this box in a parcel from Jason @ napaJapan. It's been a long time since I've reviewed a Kit Kat here on Tasty Japan and I was beginning to yearn to try another one soon.

Framboise - a flavour I don't come upon very often, I didn't even know how to pronounce it. On the box it is spelled out as furanbowaazu. Wikipedia states the pronounciation as franbwaz, which is French for Raspberry. The picture on the box is of a cake with cream and raspberries.

I had the box open while I have been typing this and the smell is divine. It smells like a cake shop. If the kit kat tastes anything like it smells, then this will be a winner!

As usual there are 4 sticks, 2 packs of 2. The wrapping paper is pink with light pink circles and it looks very French. Very stylish.

The chocolate on the outside of the kit kat is milk chocolate, but it has a slight raspberry flavour. When I bit into the kit kat it had a very strong flavour in the middle, like yoghurt and cheese mixed together, it is very creamy. There is also a small sourness from the raspberry powder, but it combines together with the yoghurt to create a very nice dessert experience. The chocolate on the outside is so creamy and goes so well with the flavours inside. It's delicious.

I would recommend trying this Kit Kat, it's something just a little bit special. I have a feeling there will be more flavours that are from well known sweets as there is a little logo on the box that says "sweets concept". So keep your eye out for more desserts into kit kat's in the future.

Brand: Nestle
Calories per box: 97
Buy it now at napaJapan

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Calpis Soft Candy Grape Flavour カルピス ソフトキャンディー ぶどう味


I think everyone is pretty familiar with Calpis - a yoghurt flavoured drink that sends all gaijin into fits of uncontrollable giggles when anyone actually says the word, which sounds like "cow piss" to foreign ears.

My friends and I always laughed when Yasu said it and he could never work out why - until I let him in on the joke, and even then he didn't think it was funny. I guess it's just gaijin humour.

Anyway, Calpis have the original yoghurt drink and they also have various takes on the original by mixing it with grape, apple, orange, and various other fruit flavours.

I've had the grape flavour Calpis drink and I quite liked it, so that is why I bought the soft candy in the same flavour. They also had another flavour which was apple & honey, but I thought it seemed too much like something you would have when you're sick with the flu.

The pack has 22.1 calories and 10 pieces inside. That works out to 2.21 calories per piece which is pretty good.

The soft candy resembles a high chew piece except it's a bit wider and flatter. It's a light taro purple on the outside and it has white on the outside. The outside of the pack has a picture and indicates that the purple outside is "budou" (grape), and the inside is plain flavour.

The outside of the candy is in between soft and hard. It's called soft candy, but it's not as soft as it could be. The grape flavour is really strong at first but then the "plain" Calpis flavour in the middle kicks in and starts to overtake the grape flavour. The yoghurt taste is overpowering and the grape ends up taking a backseat to the yoghurt.

I was slightly disappointed by this candy because I thought it was going to be like eating Grape Hubba Bubba, with that total grape experience. I don't mind the original Calpis flavour but why have something called Grape, if it's actually Yoghurt with a hint of grape? Rather confusing.

If you like yoghurt with your grapes then this won't disappoint you. If you are expecting loads of grape flavour then forget it.

Brand: Calpis
Calories per pack: 22.1

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Amanoya Kabuki Age Curry Flavour 天乃屋歌舞伎揚カレー味


I chose this little bag of senbei from my local Japanese supermarket because the pieces shown on the packet resemble Age Ichiban but smaller. It was only 50 cents for the bag which I thought was very reasonable! Sometimes Japanese products tend to be very expensive, even when they are small, so this was a nice surprise.

I've never come across the brand - Amanoya - before, but a quick search of google reveals that they do have a website, although I'm not familiar with any of the products. They don't have Kabuki Age listed on their site, so whether or not it was just a temporary line, I don't know.

The packet itself is pocket or palm sized. It's quite small. The senbei are also small, but there are quite a few in the pack.

The pack really smells like curry inside, this beautiful aroma wafted out when I opened it. The senbei are really crunchy and there is a lot of spices on the outside that bring the curry flavour to life in my mouth. It's not a super hot curry flavour, mild but also with sweet notes at the end. It does leave a hotness in my mouth afterwards. If you eat the whole pack at once the hotness builds up so it's that much hotter too.

The best thing about these is the crunch. They are just so satisfyingly crunchy. Yumm. I'm just sorry I didn't buy a few more packs!!

I definitely recommend these if you see them around - a great snack to fill a hole or to munch and walk. :)

Brand: Amanoya
Calories per pack: 83

Friday, April 16, 2010

Itoen Teas’ Tea New York Style Herb Darjeeling 伊藤園ティーズティー ニューヨーク ハーブダージーリン


I was looking for a refreshing drink and this bottle caught my eye. It looks modern and well designed.

It was also on special for $2.99 so that persuaded me to give it a try.

I only noticed after purchasing it that it is made by Itoen, a company who's drinks I rarely like. They are well-known for their healthy drinks, mainly with fruit and vegetables.

At the top of the bottle near the brands logo it has "New York Style" written. I'm not sure what that actually means, the bottle or the contents.

The flavour of the tea is Herb Darjeeling. I'm not a fan of herbs but since herbs and tea resemble the same kind of leafy greens I thought they would probably go well together. The bottle also mentions that Lemongrass is an ingredient, it is unsweetened and there are no calories.

A look on the back of the bottle also confirms this.

The first smell when I opened the lid was very medicinal. I could really smell herbs. However when I took a sip, I couldn't really taste any herbs, but more a flavour of straight black tea.

I'm not a tea conoisseur, I'm really only familiar with a few styles, and I've never had Darjeeling before, but it doesn't taste like it has a definite flavour more than other tea.

There is definitely no sugar in here, there is no sweetness at all. The tea reminds me very much of Straight Tea by Kirin, the same kind of tea flavour persists. There is a bitter component when swallowing the tea and I attributed this to the herbs until I looked on the back of the bottle and found the only herb ingredient is lemongrass. The only other ingredient is "black tea" but it doesn't say it's Darjeeling in particular, so I am not sure if they are just calling it Darjeeling or it actually is.

I'm very familiar with the taste of lemongrass and there is absolutely no taste of that in this tea, so I'm pretty sure they used a minute amount if only so they could put it on the label.


I'm not sure if New Yorkers drink tea this way - I searched the internet and couldn't find any evidence of a particular recipe or way that they drink it, so I will leave that up to my readers to inform me, if they know.

So in all, it's like drinking straight black tea with a bitterness, and no sweetness. It turned out to be pretty bland. It doesn't refresh me, but it doesn't make me thirsty either. It's just very plain.

It=t was a disappointment to be sure. There was no noticeable lemongrass flavour as per the bottle, and the bottle and it's "herb" statement was a little bit misleading anyway. I do like the bottle - it's pretty funky, but that's the only part of this drink that is.

I guess I'll just mark this down as yet another Itoen drink I don't like.

Brand: Itoen
Calories per bottle: 0

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Meiji Kaiten Zushiya-san Gummy 回転ずしやさん グミ


Kaiten Zushi is basically conveyor belt sushi. As in, sushi on small round plates go around on a conveyor belt in front of diners who pick up whichever plate they want to try.

This gummy is based on that concept, but instead of tasting like fish and rice, the flavours are apple, melon, and strawberry.

There are 7 pieces of "shari" (rice) and 7 various pieces of ingredient that goes on top of the rice. In this case the rice is apple flavour, 4 of the ingredients are strawberry flavour, and the other 3 are melon flavour.

When you open the packet, there is a sealed section containing the gummy. You peel the plastic off, somewhat like plastic cheese, and the rubbery little pieces of gummy sushi come with it, so you have a kind of clear plate with "sushi" on it.

There is also another component to this gummy. When you place the ingredients on the rice, it combines both flavours and turns into a new one.

Apple + Strawberry = Peach
Apple + Melon = Banana

Each piece is quite small, 2cm x 1cm. The rice base is a very weak apple, and quite chewy. The melon is more like gummy in that it is a transparent orange. It has a strong flavour of melon and is enjoyable. The strawberry is also a transparent red colour, but this one tastes like watered down strawberry concentrate with more water than concentrate.

Combined together, the melon and apple tasted like banana while still maintaining the original flavours. However, the strawberry and apple really didn't taste much like peach until I had swallowed it.

Yasu and I ate this together, and while we found it interesting and quite fun at first, the flavours just didn't do it for us. We felt the flavour was too weak, and the base was too rubbery.

We don't want to eat it again but it was fun and quite unique for a one-time snack. The packet has a lot of cute graphics and there is a quiz on the back. The website also has a lot of fun interactive games and downloads to keep kids entertained online.

Brand: Meiji
Calories per pack: 71
Buy it now at napaJapan

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Bourbon Milk Roll Cake ふわまき ミルクケーキ


I'm a big fan of roll-cake. Especially the roll-cake from Japan. It tends to be very soft and moist, with a light fluffy cream in the middle.

This roll-cake from Bourbon is no exception. When I was a kid, when my mum made sandwiches for me she used to cut off all the crusts, and then I used to pound it down so it was really flat. This roll-cake reminds me of that because it has a similar texture to flattened white bread that has just been baked. It is perfect.

The cream inside is combined from two types of cream. It doesn't say exactly which types of cream on the packet, but it does say it has butter, full cream milk, raw cream, and cream powder. The cream has been whipped and is light and fluffy - hence the "fuwa" part of "fuwamaki" on the pack. "Fuwa" meaning fluffy and "maki" meaning roll, literally "fluffy roll".

The roll cake has the scent of vanilla and it looks like a cow. Not in shape, but in colour - it has the pattern of a dairy cow on the outside - white with dark brown spots. The brown parts have a slightly bitter cocoa flavour. The cake is soft to eat and the fluffiness of the cream goes with it perfectly. The cream tastes very milky, so in all it's a party of vanilla and cream in my mouth.

I shared this with Yasu and we both really enjoyed it, but it was over too soon! Wish I had more of these... I definitely recommend trying it!

Brand: Bourbon
Calories per pack: 179